Building Your Vertical Jump

Training to increase your vertical jump isn't rocket science. All you need is a bit of background and a few exercises to get you started.
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Your vertical jump comes from a specific type of muscle - lets call it 'fast-twitch' muscle. You also have two other types of muscle that are involved to different degrees in jumping. But lets keep this simple.
To train the fast-twitch muscles you need to train with low rep - high intensity workouts. This training targets the muscles that are most active in giving an explosive vertical jump and so will give the greatest results in the least amount of time.
A few exercises to get you started are listed below
Calf raises
This exercise targets your calves which give the final push upwards in your jump. To increase intensity of this work out use either a weight vest or dumbbells - one in each hand for balance. To do this exercise start standing straight then push upwards as strongly as you can so that all your weight rests on your toes. You shouldn't leave the ground. Then slowly lower yourself to starting position.
This exercise develops your quads which are the main muscles in jumping. Start by standing in front of a chair. To increase intensity of this workout use a weight plate and hold it to your chest with both arms. Stand with legs shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Slowly lower yourself until your bum just touches the edge of the chair seat. Explode back upwards as fast as you can to starting position.
This exercise targets your hamstrings, another group of muscles essential for an explosive vertical jump. Use a weight vest or two dumbbells to increase the intensity of this exercise. Stand up straight with your legs together. Step forwards with one leg, leaving the other leg behind. You should end up with your forwards leg bent at the knee and the thigh parallel to the ground. Your trailing leg should be extended behind you and only slightly bent at the knee. Explode back upwards to starting position.
Skipping isn't something that fits in perfectly with the high intensity training of vertical training but is important none the less. Skipping teaches your muscles the technique of jumping and improves stamina and agility. It is also around 4 times as good for you than running - ie. skipping for 15 minutes is the equivalent of running for an hour. It is hands down one of the best things for developing a massive vertical jump.
Start with these 4 workouts and you will be well on your way to throwing down the rock!
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