Four skateboarders use the popular arguments

If you have ever had a conversation with a strong skaters and skateboarders and may sometimes feel as if they were speaking a language completely. This is because fans of skateboarding - in many years that his was a big part of traditional pop culture - has developed, terms, phrases and words that make absolutely no sense to the ear untrained or inexperienced. But like any tight-knit community, skateboarding has its own nomenclature,helps the various tricks, moves and bridge components, accessories, equipment and other important things that need to communicate with skating in general.
As these sentences were to be is anyone's guess, really. On the one hand, that some of the words and language that snowboarders can use common sense absolutely perfect when it comes to term and definition. Or who the first of a long - on the other hand, some words of popular skateboard can see who first coined the phrase to be appointedparticular trick. Yet there are other phrases and expressions that have not originally defined, are now commonplace, but usually used in the world of skateboarding. But whatever these words or the way in which it was born, one thing is certain: a glossary of skateboarding is full of color.
And if I believe if skateboarding terms and definitions are unique and colorful to say, which are listed below some examples of commonly used terms and phrases that people whowould be involved actively in the world of skateboarding at once and immediately understood:
OLLIE: Probably the most basic skateboarding move, an "Ollie" includes pushing the rear of the skateboard on the ground in motion to perform a jump. Of course it never would be able to use the word "Ollie" coincides with a jump, if you are not familiar with skateboarding get started.
Fakie: What do you think a "fakie" contains? If you ride a donkey on a skateboard withHands instead of feet, then you are wrong. A "fakie" is when someone is standing on a skateboard, as they usually do, but going backwards, rather than in a forward motion.
Goofy Foot: I'm not sure what is the emergence of a "goofy foot", but skateboarders from around the world know what it means and I think that all that matters. When driving on a table, if the right foot forward and your left foot behind must happen, then you ride "goofy foot". Ido not do it either.
AIR: along on a skateboard, with all four wheels. Really, can not much easier than that.
These are just some of the terms - have developed from underground to mainstream language phrasing - over many years. Want course, if you know yourself better words skateboarding and definitions, then there is a safe way to do this, and that is to take the same skateboarding! Not only is skateboarding fun, simple, convenientand a good way to get fit, but the skateboard is a simple and unique, well, learn a new language too!
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