Sunday, August 28, 2011

Say goodbye to my heart ♥ ♥ tonight (showtime:)

Say goodbye to my heart ♥ ♥ tonight (showtime:) On YouTube.

Let me say first of all, it was like 90 degrees outside: P. But somehow Rhuie was amazing! The first two dressage started rough, it was empty, and all over the bit fast, but every class has got better and better! We intro test A and B, then practice 1-4, yes, a lot: P and then the starters combined training test, the test in the NL and then was able to jump, just say, my release is was terrible, it's what we were on ground in last week's class work, but I do not knowI know because I did not know, but still Rhuie tried and I did for my shit;), and I was in the saddle for all uses which is a really deep, almost like a dressage saddle had to jump, and it was hard on my sitting the saddle: P, but no excuses. But he was better than skipping to the last show! The training went very well, although I think his thing: P. seems to really enjoy! on a test we all got a 7 and 8 the collective marks:), could be better, couldworse. But this horse does not stop amazing me. He is still young, still a little 'green, especially when jumping (we both), but is still looking! A lot of improvement last show, we need to stop us in our work, always has its rear end tips in a way: P. I'm sorry to brag and all: (Do not look at me because I look like garbage, but to see it:). Oh, and I have something. Rhuie won his first blue ribbon:), although this is not really important, I'm still excited about him: D! and guess what 'test was...

Tags: horsegeek99

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